Thursday, February 28, 2013

Final Day Old Bunny Drawing collage

I've drawn a lot of Rabbit characters before in my past, mostly king and Bk though. here are a some old bunny drawings and some of my old rejectected drawings of rabbits I've made during my 3 years of having a drawing tablet.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Black Bunny remake

This isn't something special, its just an old icon that i went back and fixed, XD this was my very first graphic design project and i really messed it up so i went back and fixed it so all the fonts work and it would invert correctly without weird lines

KikI sketch

Kiki is a bit different from my other rabbit characters since he doesn't live in the same world and hes also not just a rabbit, he is also a fox too. Im really scraping the bottle of the barrel for him because he was never a developed character of mine but i find him in my old drawings. i really don't have too many rabbit characters

Jerry sketch

Jerry luckyfoot, the older brother of Bk, about as strong as Bk but he managed to learn how to control his demon unlike Bk. Jerry is more of a carnivore then Bk though. Although Bk is a carnvoir he trys to eat the vegetables king brings him but Jerry is a hunter. He usually travels with a back of wolves that accepted him in there clan after seeing his demon powers and used him to keep away rival tribes. Jerry is very under the radar to the planets hatred towards the demon rabbits since he only uses hes demon powers to protect a group of wolves

Queen sketch

Lol this one was a really rough sketch since I've never drawn this character til just now. but this character isn't a really big roll she's just one of kings fans. besides her and the other rabbits i posted their planet doesn't really have too many rabbits, it actually has more foxes then anything. rabbits went almost extinct when Bk's father tried to recruit them to take over the plant long ago. she's every energetic and fights very well king likes as a friend but is usually weird out by how big of a fan she really is

Kay sketch

Kay is really an evil bunny although he looks like one. but he doesn't like king one bit. after king disappear from his world for awhile two clones of him was created one being Prince and Young king. Prince was a failed version of clone process and was thought to die after awhile Prince manages to pull through though and Trains his heart out to be better than the orignal king ever was and would to his best to become nothing like who he was suppose to be. After the Death of his brother Young king decides to challenges the oringal king himself and successfully beats him becoming the strongest of the rabbits

BK sketch

This character's name is Scottie Bunny King Luckyfoot aka BK for bunny king. a fugitive of his planet from begin both a caniable and having a fugitive father who was knows as the planet eater for leading a army of rabbits to destroy planets by stealing there resources. BK isn't actually an evil rabbit just misunderstood and filled with the rage from the loss of his family besides his brother. Both him and and his brother are infected with the same demon that makes herabvoirs crave meat and flesh. king who is his best friend is the only person who can trust him so they tend to stick close even though Bk doesn't really like king

quick king sketch

Sorry, i've been working on a lot of project trying to catch up in my classes so im behind in a lot of drawings i got 7 more of these to do before the end of the night.

Anyways, this character right here is named king. Kings has been one of my orignal characters for about roughly 3 years i believe its 3 years after easter. hes actually a human that was cursed to be a rabbit when at his weakest state but a one man army in his human form. he technically doesn't exist as an actual being but as a soul with a shell of a body that can change from human to rabbit as he please as long as he has enough energy to keep his form.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

24 Kurrut

Meh, it was a good character Idea... but i think i should just stay back on the drawing board with this one. As a concept idea for my friend 24 kurrut is a Shady merchian that follows heros around trying to make a quick buck. All his merchandise is stolen of course which either gets heros in lots of trouble or are misleading to what the item actually is. the ears on his head are a "Y" pretty much which kinda look like antennas  he als wears a light blue bandana with a money sign on it for the love of it. he also wears a left shoulder armor and carries around a huge backpack filled with stolen merch. i decided to post this anyway since it is a rabbit character even though the story isn't based off him. also i forgot to post this last night so it late i know. imma go work on the idea of the actual story now bye bye

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Archer bunny!

Sorry i had to do a quick sketch of something and comics are getting tired fast. so i drew a rabbit as an archer, (a pretty bad looking archer since his hand placement and stuff is all wrong) but i had barely 30 minutes to beat midnight and i probably should be heading to sleep before it gets too late so how you guys enjoy my quick attempt (i know one thing though i draw so much quicker and better at night)

Monday, February 18, 2013

No drawing today sorry

Too many failed attempts at what i was trying to draw so i ended up not making anything today
I also found out im a beast at borderlands but suck crap at smash brothers now. oh well, wish me better luck tomorrow

Sunday, February 17, 2013

another comic because aint nobody got time to draw

alright last comic for tonight and i should be caught up on my 30 day assignment
^(; U ;)^ yey easy A comics!

sorry for no post yesterday busy

Sorry i have to keep making these comics i got other classes to catch up in so i don't have time to actually draw something nice so heres another comic have fun

Friday, February 15, 2013

Kingzy's Crappy life

Ugh, I have to start my typography project over again so I don't fall behind on my days i made another random comic hope you guys enjoy